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  Jacopo Zucchi was an Italian painter of the Florentine school. He was an assistant to Vasari whose style he initially copied. He was in Rome from the papacy of Gregory XIII (1572-85). He painted many paintings to his patron Cardinal Ferdinando de Medici, including those for the Studiolo in the Villa Medici in Rome.
  In Rome, the light-dark painting of Caravaggio impressed him, while compositional solutions can in part be traced to Bartholomeus Spranger, who was resident in Rome.
The Miracle of the Snow
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Portrait of a Lady
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The Coral Fishers
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See more details about "The Coral Fishers"
Allegory of the Creation
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The Assembly of the Gods
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See more details about "The Assembly of the Gods"
The Toilet of Bathsheba
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See more details about "The Toilet of Bathsheba"
The Four Elements
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