London, Seen from an Arch of Westminster Bridge
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London, Seen from an Arch of Westminster Bridge
Author : CANALETTO Date :1747 Technique :Oil on canvas, 118 x 238 cm Type :landscape Form :painting Location :National Gallery, Prague
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London: Northumberland House |
Perspective |
Mestre |
Warwick Castle: the South Front |
London: the Old Horse Guards from St James's Park |
London: the Old Horse Guards and Banqueting Hall, from St James's Park |
London: Westminster Abbey, with a Procession of Knights of the Bath |
Warwick Castle: the East Front |
London: Greenwich Hospital from the North Bank of the Thames |
London: Ranelagh, Interior of the Rotunda |
Eton College Chapel |
Capriccio: River Landscape with a Column |
Old Walton Bridge |
Palazzo Ducale and the Piazza di San Marco |
San Marco: the Interior |
Piazza San Marco: Looking South-West |
Grand Canal: Looking South-East from the Campo Santa Sophia to the Rialto Bridge |
Piazza San Marco: Looking East from the North-West Corner |
La Vigilia di Santa Marta |
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painter | pintor | maler | peintre | pittore |
painting | pintura | Anstrich | peinture | pittura |
paintings | pinturas | Anstriche | peintures | pitture |
biography | biograf�a | Biographie | biographie | biografia |
gallery | galer�a | Galerie | galerie | galleria |