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The Conversion of Saul
The Conversion of Saul
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The Conversion of Saul

Date :1542-45
Technique :Fresco, 625 x 661 cm
Type :religious
Form :painting
Location :Cappella Paolina, Palazzi Pontifici, Vatican



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The Conversion of Saul
Frescoes above the entrance wall
The first bay of the ceiling
The second bay of the ceiling
The Conversion of Saul
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The third bay of the ceiling
The fourth bay of the ceiling
The fifth bay of the ceiling
The sixth bay of the ceiling
The seventh bay of the ceiling
The eighth bay of the ceiling


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 painter  pintor  maler  peintre  pittore
 painting  pintura  Anstrich  peinture  pittura
 paintings  pinturas  Anstriche  peintures  pitture
 biography  biograf�a  Biographie  biographie  biografia
 gallery  galer�a  Galerie  galerie  galleria