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Battle between the Gonzaga and the Bonacolsi
Battle between the Gonzaga and the Bonacolsi
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Battle between the Gonzaga and the Bonacolsi

Date :
Technique :Oil on wood
Type :historical
Form :painting
Location :Palazzo Ducale, Mantua


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Interior view
Apse mosaic (detail)
Interior view
Vault of the choir
Sanctuary, view of the crossing and nave
Sanctuary, main apse (detail)
North transept, north wall (detail)
Nave, centre aisle, south wall (detail)
Main portal (detail)
Vault (northwest section, detail)
Vault (detail)
Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova
Overall view of the apse
Apse calotte mosaic (detail)
Apsidal arch (detail)
Sanctuary, south side arm, east wall (detail)
Nave, centre aisle, south wall (detail)
Nave, south side aisle (detail)
Nave, centre aisle, north wall (detail)


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 painting  pintura  Anstrich  peinture  pittura
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 biography  biograf�a  Biographie  biographie  biografia
 gallery  galer�a  Galerie  galerie  galleria