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Apollo and the Nine Muses
Hercules and Cacus
The Combat of Mars and Minerva
Minerva Sending Away Mars from Peace and Prosperity
The Discovery of the Child Erichthonius
Mercury and Herse
Contest between Minerva and Neptune
Portrait of Minerva Anguissola
Madonna and Child
Minerva and the Muses
Allegory of March: Triumph of Minerva
Helicon or Minerva's Visit to the Muses
Minerva Crowns the Maid of Leiden
Mercury and the Graces
Other : Alexander the Great
Battle of Adowa
Battle of Adrianople
Battle of Anchialus
Battle of Ankara
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Arausio
Battle of Arcole
Battle of Austerlitz
Battle of Bannockburn
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