Sienese Sculptor, chiefly of tombs, active in Pisa, Florence, and Naples, as well as his native city. He probably trained with Giovanni Pisano, but his style was more calm and reserved, with an imposing block-like massiveness. His early career was spent in Pisa and Siena, but his chief works are in Florence (where he worked 1321-24) and Naples (where he worked from 1324 until his death). In Florence his work included the tomb of Bishop Orso in the cathedral - possibly the earliest example of the seated effigy. In Naples, where he is known to have been in touch with Giotto, who was court painter there at the time, and with the Sienese painter Pietro Lorenzetti, his work included tabernacled tombs for the Angevin court (e.g. for Queen Mary of Hungary in Santa Maria Donnaregina). He somewhat modified his own rigorous style in the direction of the more decorative grace of the Gothic style, but none the less his influence was significant as one of the Tuscan artists who carried the new northern developments to the southern parts of Italy.
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TOCQU�, Louis
TOEPUT, Lodewijk
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