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Model of the Bl�cher Monument
Retable of St George
The Conversion of Saul (detail)
Battle of the Gabbard
Study of battles on horseback and on foot
Martyrdom of St Maurice and the Theban Legion
Study of battles on horseback and on foot
Cavalry Engagement
Reclining River Nymph at the Fountain
Portrait of Sebastiano Venier with a Page
Battle of Grengam on 27 July 1720
Head studies
Herr Johann Petzschen's Hoff und Ballen Hausz in Leipzig
Other : Alexander the Great
Battle of Adowa
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Chickamauga
Battle of Fredericksburg
Battle of Gettysburg
Battle of Inkerman
Battle of Koniggratz
Battle of Ligny
Battle of Omdurman
Battle of Sedan
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